Educational & Healthcare facilities

We have over 50 years’ experience of undertaking capital and maintenance works for Cornwall Council (directly and through FourCornwall), Cornwall’s health and care providers, and directly for academies, schools and other educational facilities. We have robust safeguarding provisions and our staff are well versed with protocols for working in occupied areas where safe working practices are paramount. We routinely carry out on minor works (for example office alterations, provisions for disabled access, refurbishment of kitchens, changing rooms & toilets, and ward relocations) as well as major capital projects (for example reroofing, replacement curtain walling, extensions, new toilets, and damp remediation).

Gorran School - Main - Gloweth Click on image below to see gallery

Gorran School, modular building refurbishment

Continuing Cornwall Council’s programme to refurbish the large modular building at the school, we carried out extensive external repairs including reroofing. We removed the existing cladding and insulation, repaired the underlying framing, then fitted new insulation and weather barriers. The photos show the final stage of the work, when we were installing new cedar cladding. Supported by subcontractors LTC Scaffolding, J R Flat Roofing and CL Electrical, we were able to cope with materials shortages caused by the ongoing effects of the pandemic.

Click on image below to see gallery

Cubert School, re-roofing

Cornwall Council appointed us to re-roof this traditional Cornish school building, including renewal of 2 dormers and other associated works. Supported by our subcontractors LTC Scaffolding and Horizon Roofing, the project was completed smoothly in the summer holiday period, allowing the school to reopen for the autumn term. 

Pool Academy - Gloweth - Main Click on image below to see gallery

Pool Academy, external decorations

Summers and school holidays are busy for us as we attempt to carry out work at educational institutions before the students and staff come back. Pool Academy appointed us to redecorate the long covered walkway that connects the principle academy buildings to the sports hall and to carry out other maintenance works, including replacement flooring to several classrooms. After initial preparation to clean the walkway metal work and remove rust, our staff are using a multi-coat epoxy paint system to seal and protect the metal and provide long-lasting protection. The weather allowed us to make good progress, and we finished well before the start of the autunm term.

Ariel view Redruth School roofs - Main - Gloweth Builders Click on image below to see gallery

Redruth School, re-roofing & curtain walling

Again appointed by Cornwall Council, we have worked on a multi-year programme of works to replace flat roofs and the glazed wall at the front of the school. Works were mainly compressed in to challenging programmes over the summer holidays to minimise disruption for the school. We had great support from our subcontractors who committed their resources to the project despite the effects of the pandemic, which caused materials and staff shortages.

Gloweth - St Erth School - New Extention Click on image below to see gallery

St Erth School, extension

This light and airy, contemporary design extension on the rear of St Erth school provides much needed additional classroom space. The provision of a Cedral clad, flat roof store to one side serves dual purpose for both externally and internally accessible storage facilities. We worked cooperatively with the school to undertake the project during term time, and is was a pleasure to engage with a flexible and accommodating client for a very pleasing outcome.

Grampound school feature image Click on image below to see gallery

Grampound Road School, extension

To accommodate increasing pupil numbers in this busy village school, the clients commissioned a traditionally built classroom and toilet extension design to be sympathetic to the existing buildings. A complicating factor for the project was the need to provide modular temporary toilets for the infant & junior pupils in an adjacent car park for the duration of our works. The extension was built onto deep piles driven into the underlying soft ground. The attractive building was completed with a stimulating external play/activity area protected with a shade sail. 01872 222567